Looking at the strongest attributes of Libra and Capricorn, their compatibility becomes evident. Both souls are mindful and appreciative. They live in the moment very much aware of what the other partner is feeling. As long as they remain direct with communication, harmony reigns.

The personalities in the Libra and Capricorn love match are very physical. Venus-ruled Libra loves the sensations of physical touch. But, they also like verbal stimulation. Capricorns are a bit on the reserved side. But, when they let down their guard, they can be intensely sensual lovers. Both parties are responsive and crave a sensuous, erotic connection. When open with one another, the love between them is beyond intense – it’s downright hedonistic!

Libra is flighty. It makes them inefficient when it comes to planning. Calendars and timing are something Libra sees as changeable. Capricorn places greater importance on efficiency. It’s a good thing Capricorn’s ambitious too. They can bring dreamy Libra’s fantasies into manifestation. All it takes is a loving push them in the right direction.


Libra and Capricorn Love

The duo in the Libra and Capricorn relationship might fall in love just because of their good looks. Both of them pay close attention to appearance and fashion. They’re meticulous about appearance and adamant about making a good impression. They’ve got to look good to everyone they meet. The shared desire for acceptance is something drawing Libra and Capricorn together.

Those outside the relationship can feel the relationship’s intensity. It’s more than obvious whenever this duo looks into one another’s eyes. The piercing gaze says it all and it’s clear. Once Libra and Capricorn fall for one another there’s no doing without the other!

What does each party contribute to the love connection? Libra brings their happy-go-lucky social nature and eternal longing for harmony. Capricorn brings their ever-lasting poise and personal strength. This duo merges their social circles to create a huge network of friends. They have no problem finding acceptance in one another’s circles either.

Libra and Capricorn are two personalities who are fully aware of how the world views them. They recognize behaviors within one another too. It makes it clear there’s a superficiality to them both. There’s a public self and private self Libra and Capricorn create. Opening up and revealing the private self is where this duo will find the biggest challenge.