Erectile dysfunction(ED) is a common sexual issue most men get encountered with at some point in their lifetime. Erectile dysfunction happens when a man finds difficulty in having or sustaining firm and long-lasting erections for satisfying sex life. Facing erection issues occasionally is not a matter of concern and can be overcome with time on its own. Whereas if you start facing erection issues frequently then it needs to be addressed immediately as untreated ED may give rise to several other chronic health-related issues. Most men often find oral pills like kamagra helpful in recovering from erectile dysfunction.

How An Erection Takes Place?

An erection occurs when a sufficient amount of blood fills your penis. On sexual arousal, your brain sends nerve signals to the smooth muscles of your penis and stimulate them to relax. The relaxed penile muscles then allow more blood to reach your penis making it stiff and erect leading to an erection.

After you reach orgasm and ejaculate, the brain again sends a signal to your penile muscles to contract once again. This cuts off the blood supply to your penis thus ending an erection. For boosting blood flow to the penis doctors prescribe pills like kamagra. Being a PDE5 inhibitor kamagra helps in relaxing the penile muscles and increases the blood supply to the penis causing an erection.

What Causes An ED?

Different parts of your body are involved in the erection process. Your brain, hormones, cardiovascular system and your nerves help you in achieving an erection. Improper functioning of any of these organs or body parts leads to erectile dysfunction. Following health conditions may give rise to erectile dysfunction but are not limited to:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High body cholesterol
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Certain medicines
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Deformed penis
  • Bladder or prostate surgery
  • Injury in the pelvic region or spinal cord
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship issues

These factors affect the blood supply to the penis and lead to a failed erection. Kamagra is often consumed by most men for boosting their sexual performance.

Besides the above physical and psychological causes following lifestyle factors may also contribute to erectile dysfunction :

  • Heavy alcohol intake
  • Smoking
  • Tobacco use
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Lack of physical activity 
  • Drug abuse

Apart from medications, adopting a healthy lifestyle will help in preventing and reversing your ED.

How To Treat ED With Lifestyle Changes?

Adopt the following lifestyle changes to get your ED treated:

Have A Healthy Diet

Your diet can also cause difficulty in achieving an erection. An unhealthy and imbalanced diet not only affects your energy level but also hinder blood circulation. This restricts the blood supply to different parts of your body including your genitals which leads to a failed erection. Poor diet may lead to high cholesterol levels which can get deposited on your arteries wall in the form of plaque and make them narrower and harder. 

This further restricts the blood flow to your penis thus causing difficulty in having an erection. Hence an unhealthy and poor diet not only affects your physical health but also restricts your sexual ability.

So cut off the intake of processed and sugary food items. Also, avoid the consumption of trans and unsaturated fats. Include green leafy vegetables, fibrous fruits, nuts, legumes and cereals in your diet. Besides medications like kamagra, these food items will help in improving the blood supply to your penis.

Remain Fit

Lack of exercise not only leads to excess weight gain but also restricts blood flow. Both these things will result in erectile dysfunction. Just adding 30 minutes of mild exercise 5 days a week in your daily routine will help in shedding extra weight and also improve your blood flow to the penis thus leading to a firm erection.

Kegels are well-known exercises used to provide strength to your pelvic floor muscles which aid in an erection process. Apart from Kegels, aerobic exercises like boxing, rowing, swimming and cycling will help in maintaining healthy body weight and improving the blood supply to the penis and other body organs.

Smoking is a leading cause of erectile dysfunction. Nicotine and other harmful chemicals in cigarettes get deposited on the artery walls in the form of plaque. This makes the arteries narrower and stiffer than normal thus creating a restriction in the blood flow which then causes a hindrance in having an erection. 

It has been found that smokers are at a higher risk of getting erectile dysfunction than the person who never smokes. So if you are a smoker then quit smoking today for having a healthy sexual life. Many men opt for oral pills like kamagra for improved erections.

Avoid Alcohol Intake

Alcohol can be a stress remover or energy booster but only when taken in moderation. Alcohol acts as a depressant when taken in excess. It affects your brain's normal functioning and its ability to send signals to your penile muscles to relax and allow more blood to reach your penis causing an erection. Excess alcohol intake can also damage your blood vessels again causing a restriction in the blood supply to your penis. 

Heavy alcohol intake may also lead to lowering testosterone levels and sperm count thus affecting your sexual ability. So it's better to avoid or limit your alcohol intake for enhancing your sexual performance.

Note: Kamagra is an oral pill used to stay harder and longer on the bed.

Cope With With Stress

 Stress makes it difficult for you to get aroused and also restricts your brain from sending a signal to your penis smooth muscles to relax and allowing sufficient blood to reach the penis. This can lead to a failed erection. Physiotherapy, medications, indulging in some fruitful activities, meeting friends and family members will help in overcoming your stress. Kamagra may interact with some medications so it should be taken on doctors prescription only.