
Tableau Desktop-Specialist 認定試験の出題範囲:

トピック 1
  • Add a manual or a computed sort
  • Dimensions and measures
  • Create a scatterplot
  • Create basic charts
トピック 2
  • Explain how continuous fields are displayed in Tableau
  • Apply analytics to a worksheet
トピック 3
  • Describe how an aggregated measure changes when dimensions are added to the view
  • Create and save data connections
トピック 4
  • Explain what kind of information measures usually contain
  • Connecting to & Preparing Data
トピック 5
  • Modify existing dashboard layout for mobile devices
  • Add interactive or explanatory elements
  • Explain why Tableau aggregates measures
トピック 6
  • Explain what kind of information dimensions usually contain
  • Assign a geographic role to a data field

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Tableau Desktop Specialist Exam 認定 Desktop-Specialist 試験問題 (Q110-Q115):

質問 # 110
When you drop a continuous field on Color, Tableau displays a quantitative legend with a ___________ range of colors.

  • A. Discrete
  • B. Mixed
  • C. Fading
  • D. Continuous


When you drop a discrete field on Color in the Marks card, Tableau displays a categorical palette and assigns a color to each value of the field.
When you drop a continuous field on Color, Tableau displays a quantitative legend with a continuous range of colors.
Web version:

Desktop Version:

For more information about color palettes, see Color Palettes and Effects.

質問 # 111
Create a Set containing Customer Names whose Sales are GREATER than 30,000. Which customer had the LEAST sales in this set?

  • A. Tom Ashbrook
  • B. Sanjit Engle
  • C. Tamara Chand
  • D. Penelope Sewall


As the question mentions, we need to create a SET with the following conditions -> Choose only those customers whose Sales > 30,000
1) Right click on customer name --> Create --> Set

2) Let's Name the Set - Customer>30k ( you can name it anything you want :) ) Select USE ALL, and then move to the CONDITION TAB:

3) In the Condition Tab, Choose BY FIELD -> Select Sales -> Sum -> Greater than 30000 , and click OK

4) You should now have a new Set in the Data Pane as follows:

5) Drag this set to the rows shelf, and click on SHOW MEMBERS IN SET. Now drag Sales to the Column Shelf.

6) Click on the Show Mark Labels, and Sort ascending icons as shown:

7) Voila! We have our answer:

質問 # 112
Which of the following calculations DO NOT need a quick table calculation?

  • A. Moving Average
  • B. Standard Deviation
  • C. Variance
  • D. Rank


For Standard Deviation and Variance, we don't need to use quick table calculations, since they are available by default. See below:

However, as seen in the types of quick table calculations available in Tableau, Rank and Moving Average belong to only this category.

質問 # 113
Broadly speaking, when users connect to Tableau, the data fields in their data set are automatically assigned a
____________ and a ____________.

  • A. role, type
  • B. Data type, Value
  • C. dimension, measure
  • D. type, role


When users connect to Tableau, the data fields in their data set are automatically assigned a role and a type.
Role can be of the following two types:
1) Dimension
2) Measure
Type can be of the following :
1) String
2) Number
3) Geographic
4) Boolean
5) Date
6) Date and Time

質問 # 114
True or False: To concatenate fields, they must be of same data type

  • A. True
  • B. False


Yes! To concatenate fields, they must be of same data type. However, there is a workaround which we can use
- Type casting. See below:

Here, State and City are Strings, but Postal Code? Nope. It's an Integer. So we can simply use the STR() function to convert it into a String, and hence the entire equation becomes valid!

質問 # 115


Desktop-Specialist出題範囲: https://www.jptestking.com/Desktop-Specialist-exam.html