The presence of a snake in your dream indicates that it is important to harness your energies. A black snake has even a more special significance.


Black is the symbol of potential danger. Dreaming of a black snake means that you should be cautions. Black snakes have a negative meaning in a dream and may point to annoyance, as well as unfavorable developments in your life. You could also make a disagreeable acquaintance sometimes soon. I want to let you know though, that this is the very ancient interpretation of a black snake dream. On a lighter note, it can suggest that you might just simply be "annoyed" with something in the waking world and that is why it is coming through in your dreams.


Black racers and black rat snakes are common, they are both large predators that kill and eat a wide range of animals, including other snakes! The black racer snake is both dark on the top and bottom and has white markings on the chin, the black rat snake has a black back and pale stomach. The other black snakes that can appear during the dream state are the pilot snake. The true name for black snakes are "panthers-his obsoletes" rat snakes normally black, like to live in wooded areas. They hide away in the undergrowth this is significant as it can mean that there is someone that is hiding away true colors. There is also a superstition that the nonvenomous black snake leads others to a venomous snake in its den. Who is leading you into someone else den? Black snakes are popular pets due to their size and calm temperament.



One of the ancient symbols in our dreams is the snake because the black snake sheds its skin. I need to let you know that the snake can be an omen of peace, healing, transformation after encountering a difficult phase in life. In the bible, the serpent indicates evil and toxicity. So what does it signify when a black snake appears in your dream? What is this omen? This is the voice of your mind, and indicates a person among you who come after you! You should imagine that this dream indicates the blindfold is taken off. If the black snake was approaching in real life it will be super scary, there is a healing that is needed after it appears.



If the black snake was frightening or worried you in your dream then this is an anxiety dream about others. It can be considered a nightmare, it has reached a point in your mind where you need to focus on attention. If the dream was content and the black snake spoke to you or was warming in some way it can be a dream of temptation. A snake is a red flag in our mind. If multiple black snakes appear then this represents that you may encounter health problems. Always know your role in life. To know what you are supposed to do in life. If you come across a black snake outside then this means that people may poison and uniquely calculate against you - and they hold a different perspective than yourself. If you feel different in life then this indicates menacing people. If the black snake bit you in the dream then this can indicate through it all healing will prevail.


In your dream you may have

You see a black snake.

A black snake around your body.

A poisonous black snake.

A black snake in the grass.

Lots of black snakes.

A dead black snake biting you.

Positive changes are afoot if

Return to the real world and be content and happy.

Recognize if someone in your entourage is disloyal.

Recognize your responsibility problems.

The dream of the black snake had a positive outcome.

Detailed dream interpretation

There are various factors that you need to consider when seeking an interpretation. Generally, the image of either a black snake represents your power within. It is important to understand that this dream equals some kind of emotional storm in your life, normally as mentioned in the opening sentences above, around relationships and energy. Snakes can often reflect a situation that is currently in your life. Perhaps it is time that you face up to reality. 


In America, there are two types of black snakes. These are known as rat snakes or black racers. Of course, these two are nonvenomous and have whitish bellies. If you cannot identify the snake or this falls under an “uncommon” breed then that is fine. The black snake in a dream holds all the same meanings. 



The details around your dream are important when understanding the meaning. If you have encountered any threat from a black snake in your dream, this is an indication that you are finding it difficult to cope with your subconscious mind. You may find in life everything is content and happy, but underneath there are some things that are concerning you.



If you find a black snake has been cut in half in your dream, this is an indication that you need to adapt better in social situations. The key message is that you can never be too nice. Consideration and respect for others is recommended. The color of the snake provides additional interpretation to your dream. Green means good hopes ahead. If you see a baby black snake in your dream, then this is a direct indication of your child light. It is a symbol to show that it is time for you to act better with money.



If the black snake is frightening you in any way, then this dream relates to trying to overcome a difficult problem or a troublesome person. Often this dream occurs when you are suffering some kind of grief or separation in your life. The symbolism of the black snake means it is time to close the door on a period of your life and move on. If you see a black snake in the grass or in the sand, then this dream is connected to a particular person or situation that is likely to harm you in waking life. Often the other factors of this bizarre dream are important to interpret.


Freud believed that the dream of a snake is directly related to some aspects of emotional passion. He believed that the dreamer needed to come to terms with his or her own personality that has been oppressed due to his or her urge for sexuality. On a more basic level, this dream also has a direct relationship with the penis. If we look at ancient history, the snake or serpent signifies evil as illustrated in the Garden of Eden. Yet Freud thought this dream was a direct interpretation of an uncontrolled passion. The snake or serpent also suggests some type of temptation and search for spiritual power.



As a snake is a wild animal, it is directly associated with dangerous situations. It is important to recognize there may be some negative forces arising from your subconscious mind. These forces may threaten your inner peace, and this dream is a direct indication of trying to cope with your anxieties. If the snake spoke words in your dream, then it is important to recognize that this is instinctive wisdom. The greater spiritual power is trying to tell you to stop and think before you rush into situations.


Most cold-blooded animals such as snakes generally represent destructive situations in waking life. The message of this dream is that you need to recognize negative energies have existed, and it is time to clear the air and move on in your life.