Maple Trees, known as Red Maple Trees, are notorious for their dazzling fall colors. Maple Trees known as October Glory Maples have ovate leaves.

Botanically known as Acer rubrum, "October glory" is very similar to the red sunset. The shape of the tree gives a round, oval shape. The leaf shape is more ovate.

It is a fast-growing tree that is common among maples. The root system is slow growing but can have large shallow roots, which may not be friendly with sidewalks. It is ideal for sunny areas. You can also grow in full or partial shade. Pruning is needed to build a stable structure for the tree and is recommended in the red sunset maple.

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Maple Trees, known as Red Maple Trees, are notorious for their dazzling fall colors. Maple Trees known as October Glory Maples have ovate leaves. Botanically known as Acer rubrum, "October glory" is very similar to the red sunset. The shape of the tree gives a round, oval shape. The leaf shape is more ovate. It is a fast-growing tree that is common among maples. The root system is slow growing but can have large shallow roots, which may not be friendly with sidewalks. It is ideal for sunny areas. You can also grow in full or partial shade. Pruning is needed to build a stable structure for the tree and is recommended in the red sunset maple. Order at:
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