Seeing your home at its most beautiful is one of the most enjoyable things to look forward to after work. Studies have proven that a clean Kingdom valley Islamabad, tidy environment can boost productivity. Many of us choose hiring a professional home staging service, others prefer to decorate their homes according to their own preferences according to their personal style, particularly those who have an eye for colors and embellishments. For the rest of us, we get better at it through continuous renovation to our houses.


Many of us do not have the artsy gene But there are methods we can go with to mix and match designs and colors. These rules are easy to follow that allows you to welcome your family, friends and family members with joy confidence, comfort, and joy.


1. If we're using the rule of thirds to guide photography as well, we can also apply odd number rules in home staging that produces an aesthetic harmony and a visual appeal for your guests. Things that are arranged even with distinct shapes, heights, and textures also help. This may seem a little weird, but the key is to arrange objects with similar features in their design, but at the same time, they have a striking different. The contrast it creates commands instant interest from the eye of the viewer. This would surely attract your customers in a fascinating and unexpected way.


2. Find the object that catches your attention as soon as you walk into your home, as well as all the things that surround it. You can use this as your starting point when creating your decor. If you aren't able to find the main focal point for your home, you could create one. You can put up one the wall to make it stand out from the rest through painting it with a unique colour and completing it with accessories that match. You can also use massive pieces of decorative items like paintings, furniture or mirrors to add a touch of elegance to the appearance of the room.


3. There are some basic measurements for furniture and curtains that you can be aware of when you decorate rooms. You can do a further study on this, but this is a quick reminder to help you:


a. Apply the rules of thumb for determining the length of your favourite couch and your TV. Increase the diagonal size of the TV two times. Doing this will not just bring you peace, but it'll also result in fashionable arrangement too.


b. Keep an approximately 15'' or 18'' distance between sofas and coffee tables.


c. To hang curtains, the typical 1'' to 3 inches of overlap on either side of the window is great to follow. Normal height for curtain rods should be approximately 4 inches. If you want your curtains to appear taller, you can go beyond 4'', but do not exceed 8 eight inches. If you'd like to make it look larger, you could reach as high as 12'' either side of the window.


d. If you want to have paintings at your home, make sure it is at an eye level, which is somewhere within 56'' and 60'' away from the floor. If you plan to hang it over your sofa, ensure that it's not longer than 2/3 of the width of the sofa.