Most homeowners will try a few of their own methods to help them eliminate the flying insects from their home, before bringing in the professionals to give them a helping hand. There are a few methods that you are able to use if you are worried about a small infestation of these insects and the effect they will have on your family. One of the methods you can try to use to help keep the flying insects out is to make your own homemade trap to help capture them.


Homeowners will find that there are a few different homemade traps that they can utilize to help get rid of the flying insects. The one that we are going to talk about here will be using an empty soda bottle and hiding it a bit so that the fleas and other insects are more likely to come and fly around it. You will just add a tempting natural bait, something that is likely to attract the pest that you want to get rid of, and place it into the bottle. Once the flying insect is inside, it is difficult for them to find a way out.


Some of the steps that you can use to make this bug trap will include:

# Find an empty soda bottle made out of plastic. You will then need to cut the bottle just below the tapered neck. Then turn the tapered neck to be upside down and insert it into the base of the bottle.

# You can choose to keep the lid on the bottle, but make sure that you punch a hole through it to give the flies a space to enter. The lid can keep them inside the bottle.

# Fill the bottle with the bait of choice. A mixture of 50/50 sugar water is a good idea or a sweet scented dish soap can work well here.

# Place in the area where you see the flying insects the most and wait for them to come on over. You can check on it each day and then refill the bottle or use another one when it is time to switch them out.


If you have tried to work with a homemade trap for the flying insects or other methods and they just do not seem to work, it is time to call in the professionals to take over and make things easier. Flying insect control and prevention and Spokane can be one of the best decisions for your needs. These professionals will get rid of the flying insects and can keep your home as safe as possible for years to come.