Now the country’s industry is becoming more and more developed. Whether it’s in the food industry, in the medical industry, or in the electronics industry, as long as there is a factory, it will be an indispensable equipment, that is, industrial welding dust collectors. The price and cost of this high-tech equipment are relatively high, but there are many benefits of welding dust collector equipment, which can protect our environment very well, and at the same time, it can also make workers less vulnerable. 

In the process of long-term use of industrial welding dust collector, some parts will slowly age, the suction power will decrease, and the air leakage will not be sealed. Whenever the operator encounters a similar situation, he does not know how to deal with it. Below we teach you a few simple test methods, hope to help you.

Detection method of air leakage in welding dust collector system

(1) The installation position of the air inlet of the main machine in the main chamber of the industrial vacuum cleaner is improper, or the rubber blocks or rubber rings around the main machine are not properly installed; or the rubber seals are aging or displaced, causing airflow to flow out of the edge of the main machine's tuyere, and the wind pressure is reduced. The main cavity of the welding dust collector equipment should be opened to eliminate the above phenomenon, or the rubber block and rubber ring should be exchanged.

(2) The filter in the dust chamber of the industrial welding dust collector is missing or not installed properly, so that the rubber ring around the filter bag is not placed flatly between the dust chambers, and the vacuum in the dust chamber is reduced. Small, the suction is reduced. Take a piece of paper with your hand and place it on the edge of the contact surface between the main body cavity and the dust collection cavity. If the paper shakes, it means that the seal is not good. Please open the dust chamber of the welding dust collector system, reinstall the filter and rubber ring, or replace the rubber ring.

Industrial welding dust collector

(3) The accessories of the industrial welding dust collector are damaged and cause air leakage. For example, the hoses, joints and pipes are cracked, and the bristles of the brush are severely damaged, etc., which will prevent all the airflow from the pipes to the dust collection cavity.

(4) The filter bag of the industrial welding dust collector has been used for too long, causing the pores to be blocked, and the suction power is reduced or disappeared.

After long-term use of the dust filter bag, although it has been cleaned, the suction power will be reduced or disappeared due to the clumping of the fluff or the clogging of the fiber holes with dust. Therefore, it should be replaced with a new dust filter bag.

Vacuum cleaners are widely used in our lives. With it at home, dust in many corners can be cleaned. The same needs to be clean in factories, especially in some sophisticated electronic industries. The environment is dust-free production, which makes welding dust collector equipment very important.

Different from the vacuum cleaners we use in our daily life, industrial vacuum cleaners can be used 24 hours a day, and its suction power is very strong, and the volume of dust storage is also very large. Now the welding dust collector system is It is made of metal, and many accessories are made of metal. The vacuum cleaner designed with this material is very durable and not easy to be damaged. Of course, in the daily use of industrial welding dust collectors, it is still necessary to abide by its rules of use, and daily maintenance must be done so as to extend its service life.