Energy efficiency means that you're making use of less energy for the same job, thus lessening your home's energy use and reducing your energy billIn order to maximize the efficiency of your energy use, it takes more than simply making use of less energy. It is about recognizing how energy is utilized in the first place, where it's being wasted, and the ways to use it more efficiently and effectively throughout your day-to-day life. Here are some suggestions to aid your business or home conserve energy and become more efficient.

  1. Switch your bulbs' light bulbs into LEDs.
  2. Rinse your clothes in cold water, if you can.
  3. Air seal your home. The sealing of gaps, cracks and leaks, as well as installing insulation can save you up to 10% off heating and cooling bills for your home.
  4. Clean or replace all the filters at home every few months. Filters that are dirty make the system more difficult to work and take longer than it should.
  5. Make use of your microwave instead the stove when cooking.
  6. Defrost your freezer and refrigerator prior to ice build-up grows to 1/4-inch in thickness to ensure that your appliances are working smoothly.
  7. In the warmer months when it is warmer, close the blinds, shades and drapes to the sunny side of your home in order to keep your home cooler and less work for your AC. The shades should be opened during the cooler months for the sunshine to heat your home.
  8. Do not peek into the oven during baking! Every time you glance the temperature could drop by 25 F and cause your oven to consume greater energy in order to get it to a level.
  9. Utilize natural light whenever you can.
  10. You can control your fixtures by using the use of a photocell or timer to ensure dusk-to-dawn-only lighting of your outdoor fixtures.
  11. Don't keep your electronics turned in all day. Make sure to turn off your monitor, computer or printer, as well as fax machine when you're in need of them.
  12. Set your thermostat at 78F during summer, and 68F in winter. Each degree of cooling or heating will add the energy consumption by 6% to 8 percent. Setting your thermostat at lower temperatures than usual does not allow you to allow you to cool your home more quickly.
  13. Utilizing your ceiling fan will permit you to increase the thermostat to 4degF without sacrificing comfort.
  14. Refrigerators and freezers work optimally when they are full, so make sure your freezer and refrigerator as full as you can (using water bottles, if you can't find anything else). Be cautious about filling them too full since this could cause airflow issues and make the appliance be more efficient.
  15. Dishwashers and clothes washers/dryers in the evening will help ensure that your home stays cooler and less demand on the power grid during peak use times between 4 pm and 6 pm and lower the likelihood that you will be in an event of emergency!
  16. Switch off the heated dry in your dishwasher and dry instead.
  17. Adjust your refrigerator's temperature at the recommended temperature of the manufacturer to prevent excessive cooling and energy waste.
  18. Do not leave kitchen or bathroom ventilators running for longer than is necessary. They are used to replace air inside with air outside.
  19. Upgrade your windows. If you live in a home with single-pane windows you can consider changing them to more energy-efficient windows or even adding solar shades or tinting films.
  20. Install a thermostat with programmable settings that can automatically alter the temperature in accordance with your timetable.
  21. Shut off your lights when not being used. Lighting is about 13% of a typical utility bill for a home.
  22. Don't leave your phone in the charger overnight. It will only take just a few hours to recharge.
  23. Shut off the oven few minutes before the cooking time expires. The food will continue to cook without the additional energy.
  24. Be aware of the placement of your appliances. Beware of placing appliances that emit heat, like TVs or lamps, close to thermostats.
  25. Dress appropriately for the conditions. If you're staying at home, wear warm clothes in winter, and cool clothes in the summer months to keep you comfortable and not make your AC and heater work more.

1. Make adjustments to your daily routine

In order to reduce the energy usage within your home, you don't necessarily have to shop and buy energy efficient items. The process of conserving energy is as easy as shutting off appliances and lights that you don't use these. You can also make use of appliances that consume energy by doing chores at home manually like hanging drying your clothes rather than putting them in dryers, or washing dishes manually.

The behavior adjustments with the most chances of saving you money are setting the temperature lower on your thermostat during the winter months and using the air conditioning less during the summer. Heating and cooling expenses make up more than half of the average household's energy bills, and so decreases in the frequency and intensity of cooling and heating can provide the biggest savings.

There are several tools you can employ to determine the places where the majority of your electricity is going to in your house and which appliances use the most power in a daily basis.

2. Replace your light bulbs

The traditional incandescent bulbs use up an lots of energy and need to be replaced more frequently than energy-efficient alternatives. Halogen incandescent bulbs as well as compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and light-emitting diode lamps (LEDs) consume anywhere between 25 to 80 percent less energy and last between 3 and 25 times longer than traditional bulbs.

While energy efficient bulbs are more expensive than standard bulbs however, their efficiency in energy usage and longer life span mean they are less expensive over the long haul.

3. Utilize smart power strips

"Phantom loads," or the power that electronics use when they're turned off or switched to standby mode, is an important resource for energy consumption. In actual fact, it's thought that 75% energy used to power home electronic devices is used up when they're shut off, and can cost you as much as $200 annually. The smart power strip, commonly referred to as advanced power strip, solve the issue of phantom load by cutting off electrical power to electronic devices when not being used. Smart power strips are able to shut off at a specified moment, in the event of inactivity, using remote switches or in accordance with the status of the "master" device.

4. Install a smart or programmable thermostat

A thermostat with programmable settings can be programmed to shut off or cut down on heating and cooling at times that you're in bed or are away. If you set up an adjustable thermostat that eliminates the wasteful energy usage in cooling and heating, without having to upgrade your HVAC.

A thermostat that is programmable will cost you just $180 per year. The thermostats that can be programmed come in a variety of models that can be adjusted according to your schedule. Additional features of thermostats that can be programmed may include indicators that indicate when it is time to replace filters for air or HVAC system issues, which can increase the effectiveness of your cooling and heating system.

5. Purchase appliances that are energy efficient

Appliances account for around 13% of the household's total energy consumption. When buying an appliance, it is important to be aware of two figures The initial price along with the monthly operating expense. Although appliances that are energy efficient may have higher initial purchase costs however, their operating expenses typically are 9 to 25% less than traditional models.

When you purchase an energy-efficient appliance, be looking for models that carry the Energy STAR label. It is a federally-approved guarantee that the appliance consumes less energy in the course of usage and on standby as compared to standard models. The energy savings vary based on the appliance. For instance the Energy STAR certified washers use 25 more energy and consume 45percent less water than traditional ones and the ENERGY STAR refrigerators use just 9.9% less energy.