Once you are pregnant, you will surely want to assure your baby is healthy. This writeup will look at the best option for early pregnancy scan 6 weeks.

Ultrasound Scan

This will probably be the kind of test that you know of already. Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves, which produce an image of your baby's position, size, and movements. Based on the kind of tissue like bone, soft tissue, or fluid it would either appear white, gray, or black. A good sonographer has the skills and ability to interpret the pictures for you.

What is the reason to have an ultrasound scan depends on the time during pregnancy which it is done. Like 5 weeks pregnant scan will be done to make sure that the baby is developing healthily. Some of the additional results it can show are as follows:

  • Check your baby's heartbeat
  • Show single or multiple pregnancies
  • Date your pregnancy by measuring the baby and measure the baby's growth over multiple scans
  • Check for causes of bleeding
  • Check for ectopic pregnancy
  • Check the baby and its organs
  • Possibly reveal the baby's gender

What To Expect?

During the ultrasound, the technician will examine and ensure that the baby is developing properly; and also, probe to identify if there are any problems with the placenta, including umbilical cord position. During an ultrasound, you also get the ability to learn your baby's sex if you so wish. It takes an experienced ultrasound technician or physician to be able to properly read the obscure image of an ultrasound. Do not expect that you will have the ability to clearly tell things for instance the gender from the image yourself. Anyhow, you would be able to see some interesting elements of life inside your womb from these images; for example, if your baby is sucking their thumb and similar features.


Many women have various thoughts and experiences during the 6 weeks pregnant scan, however almost all find the ultrasound experience reassuring. The ultrasound gives useful information on how the baby is developing and its overall health and wellbeing. Many parents also feel that the experience enable them to bond better with the baby inside them. Virtually seeing your baby for the first time is a powerful experience, no matter that it is only a grainy photograph that is difficult to interpret by a layman.