Oral Pathology is the branch of dentistry that diagnoses, prevention, and treatment of oral diseases and their relationship with conditions of other specialties. 

Oral ( like Dental implant) diseases can originate from:

  1. Infectious (viruses, bacteria, fungi),
  2. Neoplastic (benign or malignant neoplasms),
  3. Traumatic (physical, chemical),
  4. Immunological or autoimmune (allergic and autoimmune processes),
  5. Others.

What to watch?

These pathologies can affect several organs or structures, such as gums, lips, tongue, inner cheek mucosa, salivary glands, and palate. The specialist in Oral Pathology plays a vital role in diagnosing and treating these diseases.

How to do the self-examination?

  1. Look at the upper and lower lips, outer and inner lips, including gums.
  2. Look inside the cheeks, throat, and palate (roof of the mouth).
  3. Watch the language; look over, sides, and under (including the floor of mouth).
  4. Gently touch face and neck for lumps.
  5. Smile to yourself and visit a dentist or stomatologist regularly

Can there be oral manifestations of other more general-systemic diseases?

Yes. The positive interaction between Dentistry and other medical specialties, present at Instituto CUF and Hospital CUF, represents a more excellent value in the evaluation.