FAQs Are braindumps legal? While the 70 697 braindump legality of braindumps varies depending on the exam provider, using braindumps is generally considered unethical and may result in consequences if caught. Can I solely rely on braindumps for exam preparation? It is not recommended to solely rely on braindumps for exam preparation as they often promote memorization over understanding, which may not adequately prepare you for the exam. How do I know if a braindump is reliable? It's challenging to determine the reliability of a braindump as they are often obtained from unofficial sources. It's best to use official study materials provided by the exam provider. What should I do if I encounter 70 697 braindump questions not covered in the braindump during the exam? If you encounter questions not covered in the braindump during the exam, rely on your understanding of the concepts and principles rather than trying to guess the answers based on memorization.


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