The journey to begin the seek out what's paradise like, starts with Allan Kardec's The Tones Book. Allan Kardec prepared a series of questions built to detect the exact nature and needs of the spirits. He did not take data from just one moderate, but confirmed the reaction to a concern from multiple channels through the duration of Europe.[1] Some well-known people have been Spiritist, such as for example Thomas Edison and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The questions and responses about Paradise is way in the back of the book. The notion of paradise is not just a important preoccupation of the Spirits. They bring it matter-of-fact, as a place wherever they still function and understand and hope to enhance themselves. While, also the best rung of heaven is significantly superior to the planet. And yes, there are many levels, exactly how many isn't known to us. Thus, we shall concentrate on just the initial level, wherever if I'm lucky, I can get to see. Let's begin at that problem by the end of the book;

"Would you suppose it to be a place such as the Elysian Areas of the ancients, where all good tones are packed together pell-mell, without any other attention than that of enjoying, throughout eternity, an hidden wiki inactive felicity? No; it is universal room; it is the planets, the stars, and most of the worlds of high degree, by which spirits are in the enjoyment of all their faculties, without having the difficulties of material life, or the sufferings natural in the state of inferiority."[2]

Not the Elysian Areas, not the place where you easygoing waste away your times till infinity. For an explanation of one of the higher degrees of paradise, we can go to the book, Renunciation, written by the heart Emmanuel and psychographed by Francisco C. Xavier in Brazil in 1944, it is just a history occur the 17th century earth, but initially pages the higher level heart Alcyone is thinking about returning to planet to help her love. The passing explains a high level heaven;

"Shortly afterwards, she was in a great sphere, indescribable in their magnificence and grandeur. The splendorous sight of it surpassed anything that may actually characterize splendor in the human sense. The holy perspective of their entirety was much beyond the popular city of the saints as idealized by the thinkers of Christianity. Three high suns poured oceans of superb mild onto the ermine floor in special changes of shade, like celestial lamps illuminated for the paradisiacal food of immortal spirits. Delightful developing, surrounded with indescribable plants, needed the form of castles carved with wonderful filigree, radiating multi-color effects. Winged beings got and went in pursuits of sanctified purposes, within an project of an exceptional character, inaccessible to the understanding of earthlings.