How to choose a list of references for the thesis? This is, without exaggeration, a quest, for the passage of which you already need to be awarded a diploma. In a world where a huge amount of information gushes from every corner, finding exactly what you need is very difficult. The road will be mastered by the walking one, so let's start.

Don't forget to evaluate sources

All that glitters is not gold. Evaluate the selected sources, so to speak, for aptitude. How? Well, firstly, make sure that they exist, they have the indicated pages, the names of the authors and the titles of the works are the same. Firstly, no one is immune from accidental mistakes, and secondly, nobody canceled the hack.

In order to facilitate the verification method, we offer you the following algorithm:

  1. Check out the requirements for your thesis. Depending on the policy of the university, the requirements can be either very loyal and conditional, or rather stringent.
  1. After choosing a source, track the reputation and integrity of the author. Maybe this is a science fiction writer who completely ignores all the laws of science. At best, you run the risk of getting into an awkward situation.
  1. Be careful with online information. Here a dissonance arises: on the one hand, a third of the sources should be from here, on the other - the Internet, and this is a fact, contains a lot of garbage, unreliable, low-quality information. Check domains, go only to official sites, for example, the legislature, resort to paid sites with a reliable reputation.
  1. Avoid publications sponsored by the authors themselves. These are the so-called customized or advertising articles. Nobody says that all of them are absolutely untrue or of poor quality, but the very thought that no one except the author has appreciated the significance of the work should be alarming. As a rule, in such articles, excessive subjectivity interferes with the objective quality.
  1. Distinguish between scientific and non-scientific publications and, of course, stop exclusively at the first. Journalism, author's essays, the so-called yellow materials should not have anything to do with the thesis, even if they clearly relate to the research topic.
  1. Don't ignore the good old textbooks. But use them solely as guiding information and a source of reference data. Scientific papers and articles are preferable when working with serious academic projects. Your thesis is one of those, isn't it?
  1. Check the timeliness and relevance of the material. The source may be as cool as possible, but outdated. The data has been updated, or other aspects of the theory have been discovered, which have already led to a rework of the question. The date of the research and the published material is the first thing to look out for.

In the search and verification of literature for a diploma, an alternative opinion is of great importance. If in doubt, contact the relevant department and clarify whether, in their opinion, the source can be considered quite authoritative. If the department does not help you, we can help you find the necessary literature

Make the most of your search capabilities

In addition to the Internet, the scientific community uses many other search options. Some of them are on the surface, and some are not given enough attention. We will list, and you choose:

  1. Defended dissertations on similar topics, electronic dissertation bases.
  2. Bibliographic catalogs.
  3. Electronic and standard libraries.
  4. Scientific articles, monographs, reviews, abstracts.
  5. Own term papers and any other student papers that are similar in subject matter and have a list of literature.
  6. Recommendations and advice of the supervisor, department.
  7. Encyclopedic reference books, editions, educational and methodical literature.
  8. Library reference books.
  9. Foreign bourgeois is a great option for those who speak English.
  10. The diplomas of colleagues and friends are an extreme method if there is no time for other options.

Few people use such a library service as the selection of literature on the topic. But in vain. It is convenient and saves a lot of time. True, you will have to fork out for payment. There is certainly a risk that librarians who are not professors may be missing out on important resources. But, in any case, completing the list is easier than looking for everything from scratch.

The most reliable and proven alternative is View our services and ask for thesis at essay assistant. We will quickly and efficiently prepare a flawless job that will surprise and impress you and the commission. At the same time, you save time and effort, insure yourself, and we provide quality guarantees and full support until protection. We can also write not only such capacious works as a diploma or term paper, we will also help you if you have problems with algebra or other sciences as well as other types of work.


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Master's degree at the American University of Illinois at Chicago