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The Adobe AD0-E307 exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions and has a time limit of 90 minutes. Candidates must score at least 68% to pass the exam. AD0-E307 exam fee is $180, and it can be taken online or at a testing center. Individuals who pass the exam will receive an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) certification, which is recognized globally and demonstrates their expertise in Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner.

Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner Sample Questions (Q39-Q44):

What must a Practitioner determine before adding a Delivery activity to a campaign workflow?

  • A. content
  • B. template
  • C. channel
  • D. target

Answer: C

A summary of the deliveries report shows that 25% of messages were rejected by exclusion rules.
Which aspect of the campaign needs improvement?

  • A. subject line
  • B. creative
  • C. channel selection
  • D. segmentation

Answer: D

What are the three functions of the delivery audit in Adobe campaign? (Choose three.)

  • A. To show a preview of the delivery before sending
  • B. To show the approvals given for delivery
  • C. To show the analysis performed on a delivery prior to sending
  • D. To show a breakdown of exclusions for the delivery

Answer: B,C,D

Sub-population A of 100 records and B of 200 records are combined in a campaign workflow with a Union activity. The resulting population C contains 200 records.
What should the Practitioner conclude?

  • A. All of the records in B are also in A.
  • B. Records in A have been excluded from C.
  • C. All of the records in A are also in B.
  • D. A and B are mutually exclusive.

Answer: C

Workflow instructions are identical to a previous workflow except the dates. What course of action should a Campaign Business Practitioner take?

  • A. Use a copy of the previous workflow in a campaign and change the values
  • B. Create a new workflow from scratch in a new campaign
  • C. Contact the request to confirm the information in accurate.
  • D. Run the previous workflow from the previous campaign and change the date

Answer: C


One major difference which makes the Adobe AD0-E307 exam dumps different from others is that the exam questions are updated after feedback from more than 90,000 professionals and experts around the globe. In addition, the Adobe AD0-E307 Exam Questions are very similar to actual Adobe Campaign Standard Business Practitioner AD0-E307 exam questions. Hence, it helps you to achieve a high grade on the very first attempt.

New AD0-E307 Dumps Ebook: https://www.dumpstillvalid.com/AD0-E307-prep4sure-review.html