Any chemical that has a nitrogen and a carbon atom bonded together by sharing three electrons — or negatively charged particles. Because each carbon atom can make up to four bonds at once, this leaves one chemical bond free. That last bond could go to grab a hydrogen atom and make hydrogen cyanide formula — a poisonous gas that smells a little like almonds. Or the bond might hold onto a sodium atom, making sodium cyanide. This chemical is used in gold mining and is also very poisonous.

Wild blue tangs, the fish that inspired Finding Dory, are often stunned using cyanide formula so that fishers can capture them for sale as pets. Any chemical compound containing a pairing of carbon and nitrogen, but especially sodium cyanide (NaCN). These compounds have had a number of industrial uses, from pesticides and the extracting of silver and gold from ore, to dyes and the hardening of metals. They also are deadly poisons. Here is a complete recipe on how to make sodium cyanide.

First, 100 g of sodium hydroxide is mixed with 43g of cyanuric acid and 12g of carbon. This is heated to 600 Celsius with occasional stirring for at least an hour. If the bubbling goes out of control, turn down the temperature and let it come back under control before raising it again.
After the mixture is cooled, it is broken up and dissolved in methanol. After all the large chunks are converted to a powder, 100g of sodium bicarbonate is added to convert the excess sodium hydroxide into sodium carbonate. The solution is allowed to stir for 30 minutes and then filtered. The filtrate maybe tested for cyanide formula by reacting a few drops with a solution of ferrous sulfate. A deep blue color of Prussian blue indicates cyanide ions are present. The filtrate is then dried to obtain crude sodium cyanide. Approximate yield 19g.