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The HPE6-A72 certification exam consists of 60 multiple-choice questions that must be completed within 90 minutes. The exam is administered by Pearson VUE and can be taken at any of their testing centers worldwide. Candidates must achieve a passing score of 70% or higher to earn the certification. Successful candidates will receive a certificate that demonstrates their expertise in Aruba switching technologies and validates their skills and knowledge to potential employers.

Understanding functional and technical aspects of Aruba Certified Switching Associate (HP HPE6-A72) Professional Exam Access Control Policy

The following will be discussed in HP HPE6-A72 exam dumps:

  • Port segregation & numbering
  • VLAN origin
  • TCP Header
  • TCP Header - Port Numbers
  • Internet Control Message Protocol and reachability testing tools
  • Explain how to back up and restore an HPE OneView appliance
  • VLAN advantages
  • All the Networking devices: Switches, Routers, Multilayer Switches, APs, Mobility Controllers, Firewalls, Servers etc
  • Switching Portfolio (ArubaOS switches & ArubaOS-CX switches) is this introducing both portfolios on a pair of slides and some slides on ArubaOS-CX hardware architecture, and software architecture
  • Outline the benefits of the composer over virtual appliance
  • Frames of Ethernet
  • ARP table
  • Power over Ethernet
  • Play logs, version, interfaces, transceivers, configuration
  • DHCP server arrangement in switches
  • Table of MAC addresses
  • Immediate levels & navigation
  • UPD
  • Describe how the HPE OneView Environmental Resource Manager (ERM) isintegrated into the data center
  • Broadcast domains
  • IPv4
  • Describe the processfor addresses and identifiers
  • Summary
  • List optionsfor HPE OneView product support
  • Describe the ERM topology configuration process
  • 2-Tier versus 3-Tier ranking
  • Identify and describe the common management and automation solution building blocksincluding, Security, - Monitoring, Image Repository, Config Mgmt
  • Part 1 of Packet Delivery
  • Entering Aruba OS-CX
  • Link Layer Discovery Protocol
  • Describe the details of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) OneView licensing and licensing-problemscenarios
  • Explain how to access predefined reports about environment statusin OneView
  • Context-sensitive aid
  • Introduction to ArubaOS-CX and characteristic set
  • Explain how HPE OneView collects and displays utilization data
  • Outline the environmentsthe virtual appliance can be hosted in
  • Three-way Handshake
  • Sequence Numbers
  • Describe the key resource health monitoring operations of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) OneView

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Quiz 2023 High Pass-Rate HP HPE6-A72: Exams Aruba Certified Switching Associate Exam Torrent

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Passing the HPE6-A72 exam is a requirement for obtaining the Aruba Certified Switching Associate (ACSA) certification. This certification is recognized by industry leaders and demonstrates a high level of expertise in network switching. Individuals who hold the ACSA certification are in high demand by employers and can expect to earn competitive salaries. In addition, the certification provides a stepping stone for individuals who are interested in pursuing more advanced certifications in the field of networking.

HP Aruba Certified Switching Associate Exam Sample Questions (Q32-Q37):

Which command can be used to find the serial number of an Aruba OS-CX switch?

  • A. The command show running-configuration
  • B. The command show system
  • C. The command inventory
  • D. The command version

Answer: B


What are the commands to disable SSH and HTTPS services from the default VRF?

  • A. Core-1# no ssh server vrf default Core-1# no https-server vrf default
  • B. Core-1(config)# no ssh server Core-1(config)# no https-server
  • C. Core-1(config)# no ssh server vrf default Core-1(config)# no https-server vrf default
  • D. Core-1(config)# no ssh server enable Core-1(config)# no https-server enable

Answer: C

Which command can be used to find the serial number of an Aruba OS-CX switch?

  • A. The command show running-configuration
  • B. The command show system
  • C. The command inventory
  • D. The command version

Answer: B

With what other technology does Half Duplex communication closely match?

  • A. a mobile phone call
  • B. CB radio using push-to-talk
  • C. point-to-point connections between two switches allowing concurrent transmit and receive
  • D. a pair of fiber optic strands allowing transmit on one and receive on the other at the same time

Answer: B

The following command is issued:
Switch# checkpoint rollback start
What is the result?

  • A. The command will fail because rollback commands must be issued from global-config mode.
  • B. The switch will use the checkpoint 'rollback1 as the starting configuration on next reboot.
  • C. The command will fail because it is incomplete.
  • D. The switch will revert the running-configuration to the checkpoint called 'start1 without a reboot.

Answer: D


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P.S. Free 2023 HP HPE6-A72 dumps are available on Google Drive shared by ITExamDownload: