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SAP Certified Application Associate - Reporting, Modeling and Data Acquisition with SAP BW/4HANA Sample Questions (Q79-Q84):
Which SAP solutions can leverage the Write Interface for DataStore objects (advanced) to push data into the inbound table of DataStore objects (advanced)? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
- A. SAP Process Integration
- B. SAP Data Services
- C. SAP Data Warehouse Cloud
- D. SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server
Answer: A,B
What foundation is necessary to use SAP S/4HANA embedded analytics?
- A. Generated external SAP HANA Calculation Views
- B. ABAP CDS view based virtual data model
- C. SAP HANA optimized business content
- D. SAP Agile Data Preparation
Answer: B
What are the reasons for implementing CompositeProviders?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
- A. To directly expose an external SAP HANA table for reporting
- B. To provide an interface for BW queries
- C. To persist combined data for reporting
- D. To provide a virtual data mart layer that combines existing BW models
Answer: B,D
When loading master data for a material, you want to look at the new values before they are released for reporting.How can you make this possible?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
- A. When you define the data transfer process, select the "Set manually" setting for "Overall status of request".
- B. When you define the material characteristic, select the "Enhanced Master data update" setting.
- C. When you define the data transfer process, select the "Get All New Data in Source Request by Request" setting.
- D. When you define the attributes of the material characteristic, select the "Time Dependent" setting.
Answer: A,B
In a DataStore object (advanced) of type Data Mart, which request-based deletion is possible?
- A. The latest request in the active data table
- B. Any request in the active data table
- C. Any older activated request in the inbound table
- D. The latest not-yet-activated request in the inbound table
Answer: D
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