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SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling Sample Questions (Q17-Q22):

A calculation view consumes the data sources shown in the graphic.

You want to identify which companies sold products in January AND February. What is the optimal way to do this?

  • A. Use an aggregation node.
  • B. Use an intersect node.
  • C. Use a minus node
  • D. Use a union node.

Answer: B

Why would you use the Transparent Filter property in a calculation view?

  • A. To avoid columns being unnecessarily used in an aggregation
  • B. To apply filters that are hidden from the end user
  • C. To include columns that are NOT requested by a query
  • D. To allow filter push-down in stacked calculation views

Answer: D

You want to ensure that your calculation view does not give unexpected results for a query that is based on any combination of columns.What is the recommended approach for verifying the results?

  • A. Set the HIDE property for columns NOT required.
  • B. Write and execute a custom SQL query in the SQL Console.
  • C. Select and deselect columns from the output mapping.
  • D. Select Data Preview for the calculation view.

Answer: B,D

You combine two tables in a join node using multiple columns in each table.Why do you enable the dynamic join option? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. To allow data analysis at different levels of granularity with the same calculation view
  • B. To force the calculation at the relevant level of granularity, even if this level is not the grouping level defined by the query
  • C. To ensure that the join execution only uses the join columns requested in the query
  • D. To ensure that the aggregation always happens after the join execution

Answer: A,C

What are the consequences of NOT executing a delta merge?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. New records are not read.
  • B. Aggregates are not adjusted.
  • C. Memory is not optimized.
  • D. Read performance decreases.

Answer: A,D


The C_HCMOD_02 mock exams not just give you a chance to self-access before you actually sit for the certification exam, but also help you get an idea of the SAP exam structure. It is well known that students who do a mock version of an exam benefit from it immensely. Some SAP certified experts even say that it can be a more beneficial way to prepare for the Certified Application Associate - SAP HANA Cloud Modeling exam than spending the same amount of time studying.

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