Auto injuries are a common problem seen in clinical practice. Most of the time, a patient will have some temporary discomfort from an auto injury that will resolve within a few weeks. Auto Injury Doctors in Orlando doctors have found that a significant percentage of patients - around 20 to 30% - will develop some kind of chronic pain or disability from their Injury Doctors in Orlando. Studies have looked at the issue of chronic pain to see if there are any predictive factors that can help us determine who is at risk of developing long-term problems.

Some of the risk factors that will be explored to help determine who may be more likely to develop long term problems from an auto Orlando FL Chiropractors include gender, whether an occupants head is turned, the direction of impact, and previous injury history.

The gender of an accident victim plays a role in determining risk factors for developing long-term problems following an auto accident. Numerous studies have found that women were more likely than men to be injured in general, which confirms previous studies. The reason for this conclusion is that researchers speculate that the lower muscle mass in female necks may increase the risk of Injury Doctors in Orlando.

During an automobile accident the position of the head and how it is turned plays a role in the risk factor for developing Injury Doctors in Orlando-term problems from an automobile crash. Two recent studies have been done on this issue, and they both have found that when the occupant's head is turned at the moment of impact, the spine is exposed to motion that exceeds the normal physiological range. This can result in ligament tears or damage to the spinal nerve roots.