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API-570 exam certification is very useful in your daily work in IT industry. When you decide to attend the API-570 exam test, it is not an easy thing at begin. First, you should have a detail study plan and have a basic knowledge of the API-570 actual test. Here, API API-570 test pdf dumps are recommended to you for preparation. API-570 Pdf Torrent will tell you the basic question types in the actual test and give the explanations where is available. With the help of the API-570 vce dumps, you will be confident to attend the API-570 actual test and get your certification with ease.
API Piping Inspector Sample Questions (Q87-Q92):
Aboveground piping is subject to atmospheric corrosion.
What is buried piping subject to?
- A. Anodic reaction
- B. Erosion
- C. Soil electrolytes
- D. Soil corrosion
Answer: D
Piping subject to CUI includes piping insulated for personnel protection, especially:
- A. carbon steel piping systems operating between 25°F-250°F
- B. plastic piping
- C. carbon steel piping systems
- D. glass lined piping
Answer: A
What is the design thickness of NPS 2 ½, SA106 Gr.B pipe that operates at 25 psi / 200°F
- A. 0.100"
- B. not enough information given
- C. 0.275"
- D. 0.002"
Answer: D
What should have been the correct number and type of guide bends on the PQR?
- A. 6 side bends
- B. 1 side, 1 face and 1 root bend
- C. 2 face and 2 root bends
- D. No side bends required
Answer: D
During a MT examination, shall be performed on each area.
- A. prod spacing of at least
- B. at least three separate examinations
- C. 100% coverage at the required sensitivity
- D. a calibration of each piece of magnetizing equipment
Answer: C
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