If you like Wordle and want a bigger challenge, try the duotrigordle. You won't have to guess just one phrase; instead, you'll have 37 chances to get 32 different words right. There are 32 different boards on the screen, and you can only type one word at a time. You have to read the boards one block at a time, using the different colored suggestions to help you find as many correct words as possible. Play duotrigordle and tell the world about your best scores!

How Duotridordle's card game is played.

First, type a random first letter of a word. Please type your text using the keyboard below the grid. At the same time, the same letter is in four different words.

Hit the "Enter" key after you type the first five characters. Keep adding words until the whole board is filled. If you guess every word on the board correctly, the board will be locked and you will move on to the next one.
See how close you are to picking the right color by looking at the color indicators. When you find green tiles, it means you have found and put the letters in the right order. Even if the right letters were chosen, yellow tiles show that the tiles were not put in the right place. These tiles are gray because the word doesn't use the right letters for the whole thing.
Four: Keep going down the page to see all 32 blocks. There are 37 chances for you to find as many words as possible.
5. Once you've finished all of the tasks, you can share your answers online.