Squint is an eye condition where the eyes cannot coordinate with one another and cannot align with one another. The six muscles in fact regulate the movement of our eyes, eyeballs, eyelids, and eyebrows. Our eyes can move up, down, left, right, even in circles thanks to these muscles. The eyeball of the individual who squints focuses in a different direction rather than on the same place. Squints can be horizontal, divergent (outward), or convergent (inward) (up-down). Squint is typically addressed with surgery, Botox injections, or prescription prism glasses.

A form of convergence squint is one in which the deviating eyes are pointed inward (towards the nose). Premature delivery, inherited conditions, neurological disorders, untreated farsightedness, and specific diseases like diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and strokes can all contribute to convergence squint.

The Types and treatment of the convergent squint

  • Refractive convergent squint requires prescription glasses or may require bifocals.
  • Congenital convergent squint is addressed with surgery or Botox injections into the eye muscles.
  • Surgery is used to cure acute onset convergent squint if the patient's MRI brain scan is normal.
  • Surgery, prism glasses, or Botox injections are used to treat concurrent convergent squint. Sensory convergent squint treatment is done for cosmetic purposes.

Our Best Eye Surgeries in West Delhi include:

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Laser Cataract Surgery
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Lasik Eye Surgery
Squint Treatment
Cornea Transplant Surgery
Pediatric Opthalmology
Oculoplasty And Aesthetichttps://bhartieyefoundation.in/squint_treatment.html