In Los Angeles, CA. Security guard services play a vital role while festivals come. As the holiday of Christmas draws closer, there is a growing anticipation that shopping centres will be jam-packed with frantic crowds of customers and pricey presents for their families. Because "consumers are unwilling to give up their opulent lives in this recession," we should expect an increase in overall crime rates this coming winter. An rising proportion of would-be thieves are opting to keep the stolen property for themselves rather than trying to resale it on the black market. This is demonstrated by the increasing number of individuals from middle-class backgrounds who "have turned to thievery in order to support their higher way of living." Companies working in the retail sector would be advised to enhance the security measures at their establishments in light of the fact that even a small number of thefts could have severe repercussions on their bottom lines. "Loss from retail crime is often considered as a cost of doing business."