To create animation, you assemble a series of frames, and then play them quickly to create the illusion of continuous motion. Each frame represents a major action point. Sometimes the variance of action between
the frames creates erratic or rough motion. To blend the biblically correct angel  motion in between the frames, you can tween your animation. Tweening adds frames that change the action in slight
increments from one frame to the next. The origin of this term predates computer animation, when an artist known as an in betweener hand-drew each frame that linked major action frames (at 24 frames per second!), and thus the term tweening was born. You can add tweening to a frame by clicking the Tweens animation frames button on the Animation panel, and then entering the number of in-between frames you want in the Tween dialog box. You can choose whether you want the tweening to affect all layers or just the selected layer, and if you want the image to change position, opacity, or effects. You can also specify the frame on which you want the tweening to start, and specify the number of frames to add in between the frames (you can add up to 999 frames in a single tween). Figure below shows a two-frame animation after four tween frames were added. The opacity of the man is 100% in the first frame and 0% in the last frame. Adding five tween frames causes the two images to blend into each other smoothly, or morph