It's definitely coming together from here let's get that background image of the planet Earth going so for that we're just gonna use good old texels you know this is my favorite site for copyright-free imagery is still waiting on that bootleg tees pixels check this is the one-millionth time I've shouted them out so I assume the check is just in the mail so I'll be waiting on that alright free download get that on our desktop here bring it over in a photoshop meant a grab the whole thing command C copy back over into our design want to make sure we're down here on the background because that's where the graphic is going come in V to paste it in convert to smart object right away sighs and up get it to kind of where we think we're gonna want.

Bootleg T-shirts created by bootlegtees

It to be right and then from here command you to bring up the hue/saturation box bring the saturation down to negative one hundred and then the same thing we do with the photo we're gonna go to image adjustments brightness contrast use legacy bump up this contrast bump down the brightness just eyeballing it trying to get like some of that nice white showing in the image get rid of most of the gray that's pretty good it might be adjusting a little bit more later then we're gonna double click on this layer color overlay we're gonna use our nice blue here and then change the blend mode to multiply so that's gonna give us that blue earth and then I can already see I want to size it up a little bit more.

Vintage Bootleg Tees USA

That looks pretty good baby bump it over a little bit maybe okay so that looks good all right so now that we've got like multiple layers going in this new design I'm actually gonna group all those together so I've got groups inside of this new group basically so select all of them group again and then vintage bootleg tees  I'm just gonna call this new design okay so let's look at what else we got going on in this example so we want to add this circle in here with the text so let's just jump to that next so I miss something no all right so I'm gonna change the swatch over here to black I'm just going to hold down shift with the ellipse tool over here selected hold down shift and just draw this circle holding down shift will allow us to make a perfect circle essentially so I'm gonna make sure the circle matches like the same size as the original holding down shift whoops actually you don't have the whole top shift once you've created a perfect circle and it will maintain the aspect ratio just like with your text okay so we've got our circle great good so now let's go to our photo that we're gonna use which is this one command a grab whole thing command C back over into our canvas command V so now let's right-click on this photo and go to create clipping mask and we're just going to bring it