How much does it cost to cancel a flight on Southwest Airlines?

If you have recently booked a flight with Southwest Airlines and, due to some sudden changes, you want to cancel your flight, but you don't know How much does it cost to cancel a flight on Southwest Airlines? Continue reading to know everything about the cancellation.

Cancellation Policy of Southwest Airlines:

If the cancellation of your Southwest Airlines is canceled before 24 hours of your booking, you will get a full refund

The 24-hours cancellation policy applies to both refundable and nonrefundable ticket holders.

Steps to Cancel Southwest Airlines

Step 1:

  • Open the page of Southwest Airlines.
  • Login to your Southwest Airlines Account.

Step 2:

  • Type your last name and reference booking number on the following page.

Step 3:

  • Select the flight option and 'Manage Booking' from the drop-down menu.
  • After that, click the "cancel reservation" button.

Step 4:

The next page requires you to select the flight, enter your name and booking number, and click the cancel button.

Please give the reason for your cancellation and submit it.

The refund will be issued to your initial mode of payment within 7 to 15 days working days.

The cancellation cost to cancel your Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines has no such thing as cancellation charges. You can cancel your Southwest flight at any time with no cancellation fee. But cancel your flight before 10 minutes of your flight's departure.

How much does it take Southwest Airlines fee? 

If you have any trouble regarding your cancellation of a Southwest Airlines flight, you can contact the airline and get the needed help from a representative, visit the webpage of Southwest Airlines to know more.