Radiator manufacturer Sanqian knows that the word radiator is familiar to everyone. Many times we need to use radiators. The types and functions of radiators are also different. For example, there are heating radiators, car radiators, computer radiators, etc., as well as chip radiators, LED radiators, air-cooled radiators, and even projector radiators and other radiators with different functions on different occasions, then let's take a look at the functions of the radiator and types of radiators.

Radiator manufacturer

Types of radiators

We can divide it from many different angles, including function, structure, place of use, etc. First of all, we first divide the different types of radiators from the function of the radiator. When we talk about radiators, the first thing we will think of is that in the winter in the north, every household has heating equipment. In fact, household heating equipment needs to use radiators. We call this radiator heating radiator. Heating radiators are generally used for home heating. This radiator is efficient and comfortable for heating, which is very in line with modern living and working habits. Heating radiators can be divided into cast iron radiators, copper radiators, aluminum radiators, steel radiators, stainless steel radiators, copper-aluminum composite radiators, and other radiators according to their different materials.

There is also a relatively common radiator on the market today, which is a heat exchanger installed in a car as a car cooling system to dissipate heat. Radiator manufacturer Sanqian knows that there are two types of radiators used in such car engines, aluminum radiators, and copper radiators. Aluminum radiators are used in the engines of general passenger cars, while copper radiators are It is mostly used in large commercial vehicles. There is also a radiator used in computers and laptops. This is a machine used to help the computer to dissipate heat to prevent the computer from being damaged.

From the different manufacturing processes of the radiator, radiator manufacturer Sanqian believes that we can be divided into radiators of different shapes such as chip radiators, extruded radiators, and fin radiators. The chip radiator is the most common type of radiator. The material inside is inserted one by one on the wall of an aluminum profile tube to form a tight, smooth surface insert shape.

The functions of the radiators

A radiator is a general term for a series of devices used to conduct and release heat. At present, radiators mainly include heating radiators and computer radiators. Among them, heating radiators can be divided into several types according to materials and working modes, and computer radiators can be divided into several types according to their uses and installation methods.

The role of the radiator is simple, it is used to increase the airflow rate and flow through the radiator to enhance the heat dissipation capacity of the radiator and to cool the engine accessories. There are many types of radiators. CPUs, graphics cards, motherboard chipsets, hard drives, chassis, power supplies, and even optical drives and memory all require radiators. These different radiators cannot be mixed. Among them, the most common contact is the heat dissipation of the CPU. device. Heat sinks can be divided into active heat dissipation and passive heat dissipation according to the way in which heat is removed from the heat sink. The former is common with air-cooled radiators, while the latter is common with heat sinks.

Folded copper fin

The above are the functions of the radiator and the types of radiators introduced by radiator manufacturer Sanqian. If you are interested in this aspect, please contact us!