A cervical spine MRI is a type of medical imaging that lets doctors see the structures in your neck and back. This includes any issues like disk degeneration, stenosis, spinal muscle tumors, or herniated disks. Here are three things you should know about this type of MRI:

What is a Cervical Spine MRI?

An MRI of the cervical spine is a diagnostic test that uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to produce detailed images of the structures in the neck, including the bones, disks, nerves, and muscles. The test is used to diagnose conditions such as herniated disks, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disk disease.

The MRI machine creates a strong magnetic field around the patient. The patient lies on a table that slides into the machine. They may be asked to wear a special gown during the test. An IV line may be inserted into their arm to give them contrast material if needed.

During the test, the patient will be asked to hold still while the images are being taken. The technician will be able to see them through a window and will give them instructions through an intercom system. The test usually takes 30-60 minutes.

Benefits of a Cervical Spine MRI

  1. A cervical spine MRI can provide vital information about the structures and function of the spine.
  2. A cervical spine MRI can help to diagnose conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and degenerative disc disease.
  3. A cervical spine MRI can also help to assess the severity of an injury and guide treatment decisions.
  4. In some cases, a cervical spine MRI may be used to monitor the progress of a condition or injury over time.

Who should get a Cervical Spine MRI

A  MRI Cervical Spine is a diagnostic tool used to visualize the structures of the neck, including the bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. The test is often ordered when someone has neck pain or injury, and can help to identify the cause of the problem.

A cervical spine MRI is generally safe and does not involve any radiation. The test takes about 30 minutes to complete, and you will need to lie still during the procedure.

Types of Cervical Spine MRI

An MRI of the cervical spine is a type of imaging test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create detailed pictures of the bones, discs, nerves, and other tissues in your neck. This test can help your doctor diagnose problems in any of these areas.


There are two types of MRI scans:

  1. A traditional MRI scan uses a large machine to take pictures from different angles. You lie on a table that slides into the machine. The machine is loud, and you may feel claustrophobic. An MRI scan usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.
  2. An open MRI scan uses a smaller machine with an open design. You lie on a table that slides into the machine. The machine is not as loud as a traditional MRI, and you may feel less claustrophobic. An open MRI scan usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.



An MRI of the cervical spine can be a useful tool in diagnosing problems with the bones, discs, or other tissues in this area of the body. If your doctor suspects that you may have an issue in your cervical spine, they may order an MRI to get a closer look. Here are three things you should know about a cervical spine MRI:

  1. An MRI can help diagnose conditions like herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and bone spurs.
  2. The procedure is painless and takes about 30-60 minutes.
  3. You may need to stay still for long periods of time during the scan, so it's important to be comfortable beforehand.