"Right now we are not in a courtroom," Mr. Eisaad said calmly. But the three of us are the ones who could have killed her. There is reason to believe that someone from among the three of us killed Mary. Hardy, she's been cheating on you the longest. I'm second. Ginny, you're her third and last golden goose. The three of us, during this period of time, the total amount of donations is estimated to be around 60,000 yuan. "Too bad we didn't file income tax returns on that money." "How did you find out about this?" Ginny asked. "I mean, about me." "That's a silly question, Ginny." "I'm still a top journalist when it comes to digging into personal privacy," Mr. Eisard said. Don't forget, I have a news source. "Well," said Judge Hardy, who seemed to be sitting in court, considering an offer made by a lawyer, "this matter is between us, and we are all three of her lambs to the slaughter, and each of us has a good reason to deal with her. In other words, all three of us were in the same boat that was leaking. Now the question is left to be decided. Do we have oars to row? Unfortunately, between two and five this afternoon,Surveyors tape measure, I don't have an alibi. Do you? Ginny? "What?" Ginny's face was as pale as if he were waiting for poison. Where were you between two and five this afternoon? "I.." Where is it? Ginny? Urged by Mr. Isard. Mr. Ginny looked up at his friend. "I didn't go in. You see, I turned the car around a block away and drove back. I didn't go into her apartment." "Are you going to see Mary?" Asked the judge. Yes, I'm going to beg her. I can no longer afford the money she's blackmailing me. I'm going to persuade him. She must ask for less — or none at all. I really can't raise the money. I'm not as rich as you two. "But you were afraid," said Mr. Isard. "You didn't actually go to see her?" "Yes, Essad, you have to believe me." "Whether we believe you or not," said the judge,horse weight tape, "it doesn't matter. What matters is that you don't have an alibi. What about you, Isard? Mr. Isard shook his head. "I got a phone call from her at two o'clock in the afternoon. She reminded me that she wanted me to send William to send her a thousand yuan at five o'clock.". I drove out to look at a piece of land I was interested in buying, and when I came back, I sent William to deliver the money. "So any one of us could have killed her." The judge said. Listen to me, "Ginny said in a tense, hurried voice." I didn't kill her. But if this scandal involves me, I'm finished, all three of us. "His eyes were sad." It's all over. There are a lot of people in the police station at City Hall who have been trying to get at us. We cannot be associated with any murder, even if VINSAD controls the TV stations and newspapers. "Exactly," said Mr. Isard. "Sometimes, Ginny, you almost convince me you have a brain. Can't we think of any other way to cover this up besides the tricks you use in politics? "So what do you think?" Asked the judge. "Let's make a gentleman's agreement," Mr. Eisard said. "No matter which of us is targeted, Walking tape measure ,Walking measuring wheel, he has to take the responsibility alone. He must not ask his friends for help or let them be involved. He must stand firm and insist that he is the only one involved with Mary. No matter which of us is targeted, he should have no shame in saying that he protected his friends." "That's not easy," the judge said. "When a person is suspected of murder, the natural reaction is to mention someone else's name, obfuscate and confuse the issue." "I know," Mr. Isard said. "That's why I invited you here. We have to agree in advance. We have to agree that the two people who are not targeted will support the family of the unlucky person for years to come. Any situation, any trouble, will be the same as when the unlucky person was still alive." "Mr. Isard." I say. He turned to me. 'William, what is it?' "All this time you've been talking, I've been thinking that I have an idea." "William," said Mr. Ginny in an almost caustic tone, "we have more important things to think about than your idea …" Mr. Isard raised his hand and made a gesture to stop him from speaking. He said, "I think we have nothing to lose by listening to you, William, you say!" "Thank you, sir. You see, Mr. Isard, you've always been kind to me, giving me the chance to live a life I never dreamed of. I used to be just a kid in a poor mountain house in Comfort County, North Carolina." "This is not the time to say stupid things about feelings," said Mr. Ginny impatiently. "Yes, sir," I said. "Anyway, I've said all I want to say. I just want Mr. Isard to know why I'm willing to take the blame for Mary's murder for you." Now, all their attention is on me. Believe me, you can hear a mouse running through the attic. Of course, there are no mice in Mr. Isard's attic. William, "said Mr. Isard at last," I am touched. But I suspect you haven't finished. Yes, Mr. Isard, I haven't finished yet. All three of you have famous wives, good children, good families, and all the things necessary for a good life. Once implicated in Mary's murder, a lot will be lost overnight. As for me, I have no important friends, only myself, and I have never had a chance to get a bonus before. "How much?" Asked the judge. Oh, you've already paid Lady Mary a lot. The last one-pay me-is over forever. Each of you give me five thousand yuan, and I will bear all the consequences of this terrible thing for you. "I won't do it," said Mr. Ginny. "Five thousand yuan I won't-" "Come on, Ginny,Diameter tape measure, I think you'll accept it. Said Mr. Eisard, leaning his back against his desk and turning his eyes toward me. "What are you going to do, William?" 。 tapemeasure.net