A machine called a pipe bender is used to bend pipes. To give the pipe the necessary curve, a set of rollers is used.

How to use a pipe bender

A tool called a pipe bender can be used to bend metal pipes. It is a typical instrument in the engineering and construction industries and can be used for a number of tasks, including bending metal pipes or fitting pipes into specific shapes for example is the gi conduit pipe bender.

To use a pipe bender, you will need to gather the following materials:

Pipe bender

Metal pipe

Cordless drill

1/2 inch drill bit

Tape measure


Chisel or saw

Socket wrench set with 1/2 inch drive socket and ratchet

Wire brush (optional)

The different types of pipe benders

A device called a pipe bender is used to bend metal pipes. There are several different kinds, and each has a unique set of applications. The various kinds of pipe benders and their applications are listed below:


The simplest kind of pipe bender is the manual model. It can only bend straight pipes and is manually controlled. It is not very accurate and works best for modest amounts of bending.

The most prevalent kind of pipe bender is the hydraulic variety. To bend pipes, hydraulic pressure is used. This kind of bender is very precise and has a high bending pressure tolerance. Curved pipes can also be made out of it.


A pipe bender for electric pipes is a newer type of pipe bender. It uses electric power to bend pipes a good example is the conduit pipe bending machine. This type of bender is more accurate than the hydraulic pipe bender, but it is less efficient. It also requires more maintenance than the other two types of pipe binders.


image source: https://www.pinterest.ph

How pipe benders work

Metal pipes can be bent or curved with the aid of a pipe bender. They can be used for a number of things, such as water supply systems, drainage systems, and utility lines, and are typically built of steel or aluminum.


To operate a pipe bender, you must first calculate the radius of the desired curvature. The machine's settings are then adjusted to produce the required curvature. Curved metal components can also be straightened with the pipebender.


image source: https://www.pinterest.ph

Useful tips for using a pipe bender

Before using a pipe bender, there are numerous factors to keep in mind. You can maximize the use of your new toy with the aid of our helpful guide!


Ensure you have a pipe, flexible tubing, clamps, and lubrication, along with any other required materials.

Before using your pipe bender, make sure to thoroughly read the manufacturer's instructions. Some components need to be heated before they may be bent, while others might need specific clamping methods.

To get a feel for how it works, begin by bending a small piece of tubing. Start bending bigger pieces of tubing once you've gotten the hang of it.

After bending tubing, make sure to rinse it well with hot water and a mild soap. Then dry it off completely before storing it away.


A machine that bends flexible pipe is called a pipe bender. The mandrel, the screw, and the arms are some of its parts. A piece of metal or plastic tubing is placed in the pipe bender, which twists it into a curve.