What Is An Amazon Fnsku ?

FNSKU stands for Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit and is an Amazon-specific barcode used by FBA sellers. Amazon uses his FNSKU (also known as Amazon barcodes) to identify the seller's products and associate them with his Amazon seller account.

Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit (FNSKU) is an Amazon-specific term used to describe the barcode used to track and link products to sellers. For those unfamiliar, FNSKU is used during fulfillment.

When using FBA, Amazon may require an FNSKU barcode for each product. Amazon prefers to use FNSKU barcodes over UPC barcodes. This makes it easier to track your inventory and distinguish it from other sellers' inventory.

All Amazon fulfillment centers use FNSKU numbers to identify products. Applies only to items shipped by Amazon FBA.
In other words, Amazon uses FNSKU to track your products.

Why Is Fnsku Important?

Amazon uses FNSKU to print your product labels. This code provides a unique use for your product. You might be thinking – my product already has a barcode or UPC. Why do I need FNSKU?

this is very simple. There is a good chance that someone else is selling the same product as you. If you’re both shipping the same product with the same UPC, there’s a good chance they’ll ship together. To avoid confusion, Amazon expects all sellers to list FNSKU on the product’s shipping label. This makes it easy to match each product with the right seller.

Amazon makes recommendations when a product requires an FNSKU. If Amazon doesn’t accept it, the FNSKU is only matched against the ASIN, no additional tags are required. It’s easier and cheaper.