Does anyone else realise that IT isn't what it was a few years ago? We are currently focusing on network infrastructure and security in addition to IT equipment. The workforce of today, which has the flexibility to work from anywhere, expects IT to deliver safe, seamless connectivity to all devices and highly customised, instantaneous access to our business tools. They need regular maintenance and vulnerability patching to ensure there are no vulnerabilities. Weak encryption keys, incorrect configuration processing, and improper configuration could put the entire network in danger.


The best course of action for every business in the modern world is to ensure overall network security and protect network equipment. It is crucial to start implementing security solutions to defend the company against cyber threats.

Cybersecurity and Network Security

A security paradigm, a set of guidelines for system design, and a coordinated cybersecurity and system management approach are all considered components of the zero trust paradigm. The security guidelines described here will propose new network designs targeted at reaching more mature zero trust principles to reduce common vulnerabilities and flaws in existing networks.


Network security can be summed up as a set of rules and configurations that use hardware and software technologies to safeguard computer networks' accessibility, integrity, and secrecy.


Installation of Internal and External Defense Mechanisms


Since the strategy is defensive to safeguard individual components, many layers of defence should be established against external threats.


  • A network monitoring service should record both incoming and outgoing traffic.


  • Firewalls should be installed throughout the network to regulate traffic.


  • To assist with the external network connection, an ISP (Internet Service Provider) will be installed.


Similar Network Systems Should Be Grouped: Similar systems within network devices should be grouped to stop adversaries from moving laterally. It is advised that similar systems should be divided into different subnets, VPNs, or routers. For example, keeping workstations, servers, and printers separate is best.


  1. Back door connections should be eliminated. Back door connections are connections between two or more devices located in different network zones. It is strongly advised to cut off all backdoor connections and to use caution while connecting devices to different networks.