Probably almost everyone today is familiar with the software of the outstanding Adobe Corporation. However, not everyone remembers how the giant of software development began the long road. In this article we'll try to tell you about the long and difficult path of Adobe. You can find interesting information about low-cost Adobe All Apps Plan here here.

The very first release of the company is PostScript. At this time, the firm was still engaged in the production of printers. At the beginning of the company's formation it was visited by Steve Jobs, who recommended that developers spend more time on creating new software. In addition, Apple itself and became a customer of programs from Adobe, in addition to buying a share in Adobe. Soon after this event the firm gained popularity and was able to earn really big money. The world famous product Illustrator around that time began to be designed in Adobe's laboratories. When Illustrator above, it became a truly global high-profile event in the field.

It should be noted that the flagship Photoshop platform first came out in 1988. The firm Adobe bought the rights to this complex and began to actively improve and promote Photoshop. A couple of years later came the PDF format, now known to everyone. Thanks to this innovation it became possible to eliminate the problem of working with documents on all kinds of OS. Global recognition for the expansion came only when the corporation decided to make the system that serves it free of charge.

Another no less well-known software complex Premier from Adobe was created for the purpose of computer video processing. This platform is related to the incident between Apple and Adobe, which was formed as a result of the cancellation of the design of a version of the platform for the Macintosh. Another major event in history is the merger of the once fiercely rival corporations Macromedia and Adobe. The result was a corporation that conquered the entire multimedia market. Speaking of Apple, the cooperation with this corporation was restored when the software application Photoshop was released for the iPad. At the current moment, Adobe continues to improve its flagship software applications and develop new ones.