Optical Shutter types to meet application needs.


There are many types of shutters used in thermography. However, the application of the technology to night vision and environmental assessment are very similar. Due to periodic non uniformities, each optical shutter surface corrects non uniformities in detector photo responses. The problem is particularly severe in mid- to far-IR imaging systems. In this capacity, every application has slightly different requirements for shutters.


The shutter team and the camera development team must collaborate to ensure optimal performance when designing any variation of a thermography system. Several factors affect the design of a product, including shock and vibration, operating temperature, speed, shutter life, power management, and size and weight.


Night vision is the most common application of optical shutters. Security cameras and weapon sights commonly use IR imaging systems. Shutters are less known for their use in environmental assessment, which could be used by first responders, industries, or for driving safety, inspections, or border security. Environmental reviews require different requirements.


A thermographic infrared camera used by emergency first responders is an exciting example of a camera applied to environmental assessment. Before entering a dangerous structure fire, the emergency team needs to analyze the situation. To identify hotspots, the team leader often needs a ruggedized system to handle aggressive use.


In assessing a building's environmental efficiency, a building inspector could use a similar camera differently. For example, inspect the wiring for flaws or identify leaks in the heating or ventilation system. These applications require the careful handling of portable infrared cameras. 


A hybrid camera requires even greater attention to detail. However, simple, easy-to-use products can be created by neutralizing complicated optical, mechanical, and electronic challenges.

Optical Shutters are typically the most common and effective way to control laboratory exposure. Lab and microbiologic equipment manufacturers use optical shutters in their cameras. Spectroscopy and microscopy applications also use the optical shutter to prevent disclosure. As a result, these imaging applications typically require shutters with large apertures, fast transition times, and repeatability. Others use shutters to control incandescent or laser light. Shutters must also suppress high-power incident radiation. In addition to long life, fast speed for aperture size, and compact form, there is another critical requirement.

Analyzing biological samples can be controlled by using an optical shutter in flow cytometry. The diagnostic review cycle begins after placing sample vials into rotary trays. A light source excites the samples, and a digital interface captures the data. Processing costs, quality, consistency, and reliability (lifecycle) must be considered by design optical shutters influence or directly affect each of these critical design functions directly affected by the optical shutter.


Microscopy systems also rely on optical shutters to control exposure. This application may examine glucose, cholesterol, and other concerns in the blood. A technician compares several samples to a reference sample under a digital microscope. Microscopes with synchronized shutters, predetermined apertures, and shutter speeds are needed to accomplish this volumetric imaging with consistency between models.

It is essential for the design team to take into account laboratory throughput, processing costs, quality, consistency, and reliability (lifecycle) when developing a flow cytometry system. In addition, this system often has very different light conditions, irising, and controls.


Laser safety

As well as protecting the user from laser illumination that could be dangerous, optical shutters are also crucial for preserving the surrounding environment. Shutter blade surfaces must be robust, reliable, and debris-free when operating with laser wavelengths ranging from near UV to infrared. These shutters are not unusual to last millions of cycles before they fail.


An incidental laser beam can damage blades and shed material, proving catastrophic in an experiment or manufacturing environment. In addition, the optical shutters should operate in a safe mode defined by the designers.