Untreated acne can leave dark spots or deep scars on the skin making it one of the most common dermatological issues in many males and females. Acne scars can occur in the form of pigmented spots, deep scars, hollow pitted scars on the skin, and sometimes in the form of keloid (produced as a result of excessive collagen production). With the help of a dermatologist, all these concerns can be managed effectively. At Citrine Clinic, Dr. Niti Gaur offers the best treatments for managing acne scars. These include dermal fillers, lasers, carbon laser peel, mesotherapy, micro-needling, PRP, and silicone sheet treatment for managing the keloid scars. These treatments are considered the best because of their efficacy and ability to deliver the best outcomes. To get the benefits of the best and most advanced acne scar treatment in Gurgaon book a consultation today at Citrine Clinic.