Legal writing is a type of law assignment where without help of proper language and structure, you cannot present your analysis. 

In fact, as legal writing is specific, students in law schools must consider taking additional books for law assignments to help understand how law articles, essays, and case studies are written. 

Furthermore, legal experts have mentioned here some common tips, which you cannot overlook, but make it part of your daily chores -

1. Figure out the purpose

The first and perhaps most crucial legal writing tip is to recognise the purpose of your writing.

Ask yourself, "Why am I writing this?" or What are you hoping to accomplish?

For example, writing a contract can inform, while court documentation can persuade, and client intake documentation can evaluate. 

Hence, depending on the purpose of your legal writing, the document's structure, tone, and voice will change. Understanding that goal will help you write more effectively.

2. Make your main point clear right away

Don't lead your reader to the solution. A brief is not the same as a mystery novel. 

So, start with your main point and then show the reader how you got there. When you're drafting, consider whether your last sentence is your main point and if so, move it to the beginning.

3. Only use jargon when necessary

Jargon, including legal terms, is only appropriate in certain situations. 

However, using too much "legalese" with a client who is unfamiliar with specific legal issues may end up confusing them and divert the conversation with unnecessary questions.

Because another attorney, judge, or magistrate will be reading your court documents, it is completely appropriate (and sometimes even necessary) to use the correct jargon and terminology.

When possible, use plain language in your legal writing while demonstrating that you understand the jargon and can present it in simple ways for the reader.

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4. Use adverbs and adjectives with caution

Don't use too many descriptive words in your sentences. 

Because you use the word "clearly," your point isn't clear. Instead, use strong nouns and verbs. 

For example, "The thief dashed across the road" is both appropriate and more striking than "the man dashed across the road."

5. Use structure to emphasise key points

Readers remember what they see at the start and end of a book. 

Hence, take advantage of this by placing your most important points at the beginning of your sections, paragraphs, and sentences. That is, don't overload them with introductory filler. 

For example, unless your point is that this particular case made the statement, don't begin a paragraph with "In Smith v. Jones..." If your main point is the substance of the court's decision, put it first and the citation at the end.

6. Proofread and edit

The legal writing process does not end when the piece is completed. One of the most common errors writers make is failing to budget for the editing phase, which takes time.

It's always beneficial to have someone else edit and proofread your work, but you should be able to handle the basics on your own. Master the fundamentals of spelling and grammar—lawyers who present documents with spelling and grammatical errors are perceived as less credible and lacking attention to detail.

Try these tips, and you will have less difficulty doing your assignments.

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