Why Dr. Darsh Goyal is the best choice for your Shoulder pain treatment in Delhi?

Dr. Darsh Goyal is a renowned Orthopedic Surgeon who has experience of nearly two decades in knee and shoulder surgery. He has worked in some of the finest hospitals across the globe. He has successfully treated more than nine thousand patients. Dr. Darsh has received training from some of the most respected institutes worldwide - NHS England, Hss New York, USA, and Munich, Germany. He has written many books and international papers. Dr. Goyal’s Bones & Joint Centre is among the best centres for advanced Arthroscopy/Laser Surgery for knee and shoulder and Fast track Total knee Replacement.


The shoulder is a large and varied movement range. If something is wrong with your shoulder, it can hinder the freedom of movement and can result in a large number of discomfort and pain.

 It is also a ball and socket joint made up of three major bones including the humerus (long arm bone) as well as the clavicle (collarbone) as well as the scapula (also called the shoulder blade).

These bones are cushioned with cartilage. There are two major joints. The acromioclavicular joints are located between the upper part of the scapula and clavicle.

The glenohumeral joints are made from the top ball-shaped portion of the humerus bone as well as the outer portion of the scapula's outer edge. The joint is also referred to as the shoulder joint.

It is also the largest and most flexible joint of the human body. It can move the shoulder both forwards and in reverse. It also permits arms to rotate in a circular motion and to move upwards and away towards the back.

What Causes Shoulder Pain?

 The most typical cause of shoulder pain is when the tendons of the rotator cuff become stuck under the bony region within the shoulder. The tendons get damaged or inflamed. This is known as bursitis or rotator cuff tendinitis.

 Shoulder pain could cause

Arthritis and shoulder arthritis

  •  Bone spurs can be found in the shoulder region
  • It is an inflammation of a sac filled with fluid (bursa) which normally shields the joint and allows it to move freely
  •  Broken shoulder bone
  • The shoulder is dislocated
  • Separation of the shoulder
  • The shoulder becomes frozen when the tendons, muscles and ligaments within the shoulder become stiff which makes movement painful and difficult.
  • Injury or overuse of nearby tendons, like the bicep muscles in the arms
  • Injury to the nerve that causes an abnormal shoulder movement
  • Tears in the rotator cuff the tendons
  • A poor shoulder posture and improper mechanics

How can I prevent shoulder pain?

Simple shoulder exercises can in strengthening and stretching muscles and the tendons of the rotator cuff. Occupational or physical therapy professionals can help you learn to properly perform them.

If you've experienced previous shoulder injuries, an ice pack for 15 minutes immediately after exercise to avoid further injuries.

If you suffer from tendinitis or bursitis doing simple exercises each day will keep you from having a shoulder treatment frozen.

When should I seek medical help?

It is recommended to consult your physician when you feel ill or difficulty moving your shoulder persistent inflammation, tenderness and swelling around the joint or pain that lasts after a few weeks of at-home treatment.

 If shoulder pain is sudden and is not connected to any injury or injury dial 911 right away. It could be a sign of an attack on the heart. Other symptoms of a heart attack are:

  • Trouble breathing
  •  Chest tightness
  •  Dizziness
  •  Excessive sweating
  •  Neck pain or jaw

Additionally, dial 911 or visit an emergency room as soon as you've injured your shoulder and you are swelling, bleeding or you see exposed tissues.



