Denting And Painting Services Offered In Kolkata Details

Our expert mechanics follow a detailed procedure for assessing and repairing dents including accurately matching the paintwork. We analyze the type of damage and metal malleability with precision to employ the ideal method for dent repair. The dents, dings, or creases located are corrected with specialized equipment and paint corrections are performed only by seasoned technicians. Along with the best dent removal technique our mechanics are able to apply years of experience, helping you save both time and money.


A full body or panel restoration begins with a detailed inspection of metal positions, the intensity of damage, and the areas of paint chips, followed by preparation of the panel and dent removal using cutting-edge equipment. Then, the panel undergoes washing, baking, sanding, and drying to correct any irregularities and projections. Finally, the denting and painting process is completed with electrodip, clear coating, and waxing to bring out the true showroom finish.


Choose your right fit denting and painting service: Even a slight scuff of the paint can make your new car look old. Restore your car’s new look from the comfort of your home-