So what is it actually like to be a designer do we just draw all day is it a good career choice do we make good money well in the next couple of minutes you're gonna gain an insight into what it's actually like to be a designer as i take you through my day i'll be sharing some tips and advice that have helped me create a successful design business so you can build yours too ready let's go here's my day from a bird's-eye view it's split into several sections with each having a different emphasis on an area of my business or life all of these sections are crucial for the way.

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I run my business and i'll tell you why as we go through them i start my day at 5 30 am where i get up and get ready to head to the gym is there anything special about getting up early no i'm just more of a morning person so do what works for you i then spent around an hour and a bit in the gym you know working on my biceps in the hopes that it makes me better at using the goddamn pencil tool after that i come home shower and get ready for the day just before heading into the office i tried to do 10 minutes of meditation i say try because i'm not always the most consistent with it but for those wondering i use an app called waking up by sam harris now i'm prime and ready to start work with a clear head and a bicep pump a good morning routine should set you up nicely for your work day and that's exactly what mine does it gets me in a really good headspace and makes me focused first thing.

I do when i'm in the office is look at my to-do list and plan my day out i like doing this because it gives the day structure also there is something known as parkinson's law which says work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion i find this particularly useful when doing boring stuff like admin otherwise i procrastinate and it drags on for far longer than it needs to the next couple of hours up until lunch are usually dedicated to working on client projects this particular morning i was working on a project for a business that sells unique handcrafted vases i was at the design stage of the project and was creating the logo suite the style and interaction for this project is boho so i was trying to create something that gives off that earthy and natural feel to match the handmade look of the vases so for those wondering i normally take on two client projects a month one at the start and one midway through just so they are staggered each project takes around four to six weeks to complete and i approximately charge in the region of 2500 to 5 000 pounds depending on the deliverables.

I normally take an hour for lunch which requires me to take that short trip from my office to the kitchen once done eating i usually slob around on the sofa but the majority of the time i'm dragged out to go for a walk by my partner which i would actually recommend because there's nothing like nature to spring some ideas and creativity plus as a designer i spend a lot of time seated so a midday walk normally energizes me and gets rid of that stiff back before we head back into the office for our second work session of the day i want to tell you about something that has made sourcing funds for branding projects such an ease and that is today's sponsor of the video envato elements why does it make it so easy well let me put it in simple terms one monthly subscription gives you access to over 30 000 fonts and you get unlimited downloads so you can try out as many fonts as you like if you want to check them out click the first link in my description it's not only a great service but it helps support the channel so thank you.

I'm back in the office and it's time to focus on content creation and dedicating some time to working on the business instead of just within it i feel like this is something a lot of business owners neglect they get so caught up in the day-to-day things like client work that they never set time aside to actually work on improving their business this time could be used to grow the business for me that involves creating content for instagram or youtube or it could be spent streamlining and working on systems to organize everything this helps massively with time management and stress reduction for this i use a system that i created in notion and i think it's crucial to have a system in place especially.

If you're a one-person business like myself the majority of this afternoon was spent filming a section of an upcoming youtube video and designing a post for my instagram if you need clients social media is your best friend it's simple provide value in the form of informational content and people will see you as the go-to person within that niche when they need some work doing sometimes i like to spend these afternoons out of the office and work from a coffee shop it's nice to break up the day and get out because when you work from home it can be so easy to spend all of your time cooped up in your office i also find changing environments can help spark ideas as the clock hits five i log off for the day and spend some time unwinding and relaxing being honest 90 of that time means watching netflix currently re-watching .

How to get away with murder if anyone's interested but occasionally i will go for another walk or me and my partner will take advantage of the fact that we now live in a city and go do something fun like play table tennis i actually think this is really important for people who work for themselves or work from home you need to get out and get away from that work environment otherwise it can feel like all you do is work which can then lead to burnout plus the majority of us were driven to start a business because it allows for more freedom so take advantage of that don't wait to start enjoying life do it now and the journey will become so much more enjoyable speaking of enjoyable here's a video where i redesigned uber's logo in just 15 minutes this video got me five new inquiries of people wanting to work with me go and watch to find out why