The first step is to figure out if your home’s insulation needs improvement. You should measure the thickness of your current insulation,Guest Posting starting with the attic and Columbus roofing system, and make sure that it has at least an R-30. This typically is 11 inches of fiberglass/rock wool or 8 inches of cellulose. If it is less than this, you should add more insulation. If you find that the attic and Columbus roofing system are insulated properly, but your home still has drafts, you may need to add insulation to your exterior walls.

Step 2: Pick Your Insulation

After you’ve decided that more insulation is necessary and have determined where it is needed, it’s time to choose which type of insulation you will use for your Columbus roofing system. There are many different types available, so it is smart to meet with a Columbus roofing contractor so they can review your options with you. One of the most common choices for Columbus roofing systems and attics is conventional blanket insulation. This is relatively easy to install, so you can actually do it yourself. You just have to accurately measure your attic’s surface area and depth before you order the supply of insulation. One drawback to blanket insulation is that is can be itchy and uncomfortable to handle. If this bothers you, you can opt for recycled insulation, which is similar to blanket insulation, but it is eco-friendly and non-itchy. There are many types of insulation available for your Columbus roofing system, and a professional can help determine which you should use based on your specific cavity wall, climate and budget.

Step 3: Time to Install the Insulation for Your Columbus Roofing System

If you are the weekend warrior type, you can install your new insulation yourself.  First, head up to your attic and clear away any debris caught in between the joists. Then, bring up the insulation and begin to roll it out and tuck it in beside the edges of the joists. While you are doing this, make sure that there are absolutely no gaps in the insulation. Once it is laid out in a continuous manner, you can cut small holes, where necessary, to permit electrical hardware to poke through and prevent any overheating.

Now that you know the three simple steps to help you insulate your home’s Columbus roofing system and attic, you can start saving much needed energy and money that you spent during the holidays.