In this brand new game, we are immediately struck by the beauty of the visuals. The design of the players is very real and the animations natural NBA 2K Coins. An effort reminiscent of the introduction to Live Motion a few years back. There is still work to be done on the facial expressions of the actors however, there has been real progress in the graphics.

The gameplay has been enhanced and is more realism. This is very obvious within the My Career mode which revives the classic RPG by offering interesting quests in a city filled with people and where you can move around on skateboards! In addition, the My Team mode has also been taken over and packed with new opportunities.

In addition, we have the return of Draft mode, awaited with eagerness by players. Also, we can see the addition of season in My Team mode, another benefit of NBA 2K22. In reality, the game's developers have focused on realism and added plenty of material.

Unfortunately, we can only be aware the fact that NBA 2K22 is not very for beginners who could quickly become lost, because the skill required to play effectively is high. It is difficult to get started for those who are not at ease with simulation games generally Buy NBA 2K22 MT Coins. Additionally, we are irritated quickly at the number of transactions that have to be performed in the course of playing.