A nose job, medically known as a rhinoplasty, aims to enhance, re-construct or correct the shape and form of the nose. Rhinoplasty is performed to improve the appearance of the nose and involves narrowing the width, reducing the size, altering the internal portions, or shaping the cartilage of the nose. Lots of women want their noses to look perfect. Besides women, some men undergo gender change surgery and try to look more feminine by fixing their noses to make them look more feminine. A perfect nose should be proportional to the face, for most women have a defined tip; a feminine swoop on the bridge which many suppose to be more feminine, and a great projection that starts from the front to the back. When photographed from any angle, the nose should look perfect. One can get the desired nose shape with Best Rhinoplasty in Faridabad  performed at The Beauty And The Cut Clinic by the best cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr. Kiranmayi Atla. 

What is involved in Rhinoplasty surgery?

A nose job is a simple procedure where the surgeon makes small incisions inside the nose to access the bones and cartilage. The tissues and cartilage are either added or removed depending on how the candidate wants his or her nose to look. Nose jobs can accomplish a great number of corrections including the size, width, and profile of the nose as well as the nostrils, nasal tip, and nasal asymmetry. The surgery can enhance the candidate’s image, which will make them feel young and will boost their self-confidence. As every person has a different nose, the rhinoplasty procedure needs to be individualized, based on individual requirements and the anatomy of their face. 

During the consultation, the doctor evaluates the nose and facial features. To correct impaired breathing due to congenital structural defects, the procedure called septoplasty is also performed with rhinoplasty for best outcomes. The surgery aims to produce a nose that looks and appears natural, in better balance with the rest of the face as well as maintain or improve nasal airways...….Read More